The Twirlywoos are at a theatre, watching as the actors play their parts. The scene changes and new props are moved on to the stage. The Twirlywoos help by moving some extra props on to the stage, but are they the right props? What is happening behind the actor? \n\nBack on the Big Red Boat, the Octopus pays a visit. Peekaboo is sure there is something behind him.
Source: CBeebies
Series 4: 14. More About Taller And Taller
The Twirlywoos are outside a tall block of flats, watching a window cleaner cleaning windows. When he stops for a break, Toodloo decides to climb to the top of his cleaning pole ...
Series 4: 13. More About Gone
The Twirlywoos are in a park, hiding under a pile of leaves. They need to avoid the park keeper who is vacuuming up leaves all around them. As he approaches the pile they're hid ...
Series 4: 12. More About Over
Stop-motion preschool programme about the adventures of four inquisitive Twirlywoos.
Series 4: 11. More About Balancing
Stop-motion preschool programme about the adventures of four inquisitive Twirlywoos.
Series 4: 18. More About Upside Down
The Twirlywoos are in a very smart cafe, hiding behind some upside down cups. A lady comes in and starts drying some more cups, placing them upside down on the counter. The Twir ...
Series 4: 11. More About Balancing
Stop-motion preschool programme about the adventures of four inquisitive Twirlywoos.